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Biologia General: A Complete Guide to the Study of Life by Marta Cervantes and Margarita Hernandez

Biologia General: A Comprehensive Textbook by Marta Cervantes and Margarita Hernandez

Are you looking for a reliable and updated source of information on biologia general (general biology)? Do you want to learn about the fascinating world of living organisms, their structure, function, evolution and interaction with their environment? If so, you might be interested in reading Biologia General, a textbook written by Marta Cervantes and Margarita Hernandez, two renowned Mexican biologists and professors. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this book, its content, its features and how to download it for free in pdf format.

biologia general marta cervantes y margarita hernandez pdf download



Biologia General is a textbook that covers the basic concepts and principles of biologia general, the scientific study of life. It is intended for students of high school level and higher education, as well as anyone who wants to learn more about this fascinating subject. It is written in a clear and simple language, with plenty of examples, illustrations, activities, maps, references and glossary. It also includes the most recent information and discoveries in the fields of genetics, biodiversity, evolution, environmental issues and sustainable development.

What is biologia general?

Biologia general is the branch of science that deals with the study of living organisms, from their origin to their diversity, structure, function, reproduction, evolution and interaction with their environment. It encompasses various disciplines such as botany, zoology, microbiology, ecology, genetics, molecular biology and more. Biologia general aims to understand the nature of life, its origin, its diversity, its mechanisms and its patterns.

Why is biologia general important?

Biologia general is important because it helps us to understand ourselves and our place in the natural world. It also helps us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of life, as well as its challenges and problems. By studying biologia general, we can learn about the origin and evolution of life on Earth, the diversity and classification of living beings, the structure and function of cells and organisms, the processes of inheritance and variation, the mechanisms of adaptation and natural selection, the relationships between organisms and their environment, the impact of human activities on biodiversity and ecosystems, and the solutions for a sustainable development.

Who are the authors of biologia general?

The authors of biologia general are Marta Cervantes Ramírez and Margarita Hernández Hernández. They are both distinguished Mexican biologists and professors at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). They have extensive experience in teaching biologia general at various levels of education. They have also participated in several research projects and publications related to biologia general. They have written this book with the aim of providing a comprehensive and updated source of information on biologia general for students and teachers.

Main Content

Structure and organization of biologia general

Units and chapters

The book is divided into five units that correspond to the main themes of biologia general. Each unit contains several chapters that develop specific topics within each theme. The units are:

  • Unit 1: The nature of science. This unit introduces the concept and characteristics of science as a way of knowing the natural world. It also explains the scientific method, its steps and applications.

  • Unit 2: The unity of living beings. This unit deals with the common features that define life and distinguish living beings from non-living things. It also describes the structure and function of cells as the basic units of life.

  • Unit 3: The continuity of life. This unit focuses on the processes that ensure the transmission and expression of genetic information from one generation to another. It also covers the topics of mitosis, meiosis, gametogenesis, fertilization, embryonic development, DNA structure and function, gene expression and regulation.

  • Unit 4: Evolution and biological diversity. This unit explains the origin and history of life on Earth, as well as the mechanisms that generate variation and change in living beings over time. It also covers the topics of natural selection, adaptation, speciation, classification, phylogeny, and the diversity of domains, kingdoms, and phyla of living organisms.

  • Unit 5: Organisms and their environment. This unit explores the interactions between living beings and their physical and biological environment. It also covers the topics of ecological levels, populations, communities, ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles, energy flow, biomes, biodiversity, environmental problems, and sustainable development.

Features and resources

The book has several features and resources that enhance its content and facilitate its learning. Some of these are:

  • Activities of learning. These are questions or exercises that invite the reader to apply or deepen their knowledge on a specific topic.

  • Conceptual maps. These are diagrams that summarize or organize the main concepts or ideas within a chapter or unit.

  • Bibliographic references. These are sources or citations that support or complement the information presented in the book.

  • Internet pages. These are links or websites that provide additional or updated information on a specific topic.

  • Glossary. This is a list or dictionary that defines or explains the terms or concepts used in the book.

  • Analytical index. This is a tool that allows the reader to locate or find a specific term or concept within the book.

Topics and themes of biologia general

The unity of living beings

This theme covers the common characteristics that define life as a phenomenon distinct from non-living things. It also describes how living beings are composed of cells as their basic structural and functional units. Some of the topics included in this theme are:

  • The concept and characteristics of life

  • The origin of life on Earth

  • The cell theory and types of cells

  • The structure and function of cell components

  • The metabolism and homeostasis of cells

  • The transport and communication between cells

  • The nutrition and respiration of cells

  • The synthesis and degradation of biomolecules

  • The photosynthesis and chemosynthesis of autotrophic cells

The continuity of life

This theme focuses on how living beings transmit their genetic information from one generation to another through reproduction processes. It also explains how genetic information is stored in DNA molecules and expressed in proteins that determine the traits or characteristics of living beings. Some of the topics included in this theme are:

  • The concept and types of reproduction

  • The cell cycle and types of cell division

  • The gametogenesis and fertilization in sexual reproduction

  • The embryonic development in animals and plants

  • The DNA structure and function

  • The replication and repair of DNA

  • The transcription and translation of genes

  • The regulation and modification of gene expression

  • The genetic code and mutations

  • The genetic engineering and biotechnology applications

Evolution and biological diversity

This theme explains how living beings have changed over time due to natural processes that generate variation and adaptation to different environments. It also describes how living beings are classified according to their evolutionary relationships and morphological features. Some of the topics included in this theme are:

  • The concept and evidence of evolution

  • The origin and history of life on Earth

  • The sources and types of variation in living beings

  • The natural selection and adaptation of living beings

  • The speciation and extinction of living beings

  • The concept and criteria of classification

  • The domains and kingdoms of living beings

  • The phyla and classes of animals

  • The phyla and divisions of plants

  • The phyla and groups of fungi

  • The phyla and groups of protoctists

  • The phyla and groups of bacteria

Organisms and their environment

This theme explores how living beings interact with their physical and biological environment, forming different levels of ecological organization. It also analyzes the impact of human activities on biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as the solutions for a sustainable development. Some of the topics included in this theme are:

  • The concept and levels of ecology

  • The populations and their characteristics

  • The communities and their interactions

  • The ecosystems and their components

  • The biogeochemical cycles and energy flow in ecosystems

  • The biomes and their characteristics

  • The biodiversity and its importance

  • The environmental problems and their causes

  • The conservation and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems

  • The sustainable development and its principles


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, biologia general is a textbook that covers the basic concepts and principles of biologia general, the scientific study of life. It is written by Marta Cervantes and Margarita Hernandez, two renowned Mexican biologists and professors. It is intended for students of high school level and higher education, as well as anyone who wants to learn more about this fascinating subject. It is divided into five units that correspond to the main themes of biologia general: the nature of science, the unity of living beings, the continuity of life, evolution and biological diversity, and organisms and their environment. It has several features and resources that enhance its content and facilitate its learning, such as activities, conceptual maps, bibliographic references, Internet pages, glossary, and analytical index.

Benefits and advantages of biologia general

Biologia general is a textbook that offers many benefits and advantages for its readers. Some of these are:

  • It provides a comprehensive and updated source of information on biologia general, including the most recent discoveries and developments in the fields of genetics, biodiversity, evolution, environmental issues, and sustainable development.

  • It uses a clear and simple language, with plenty of examples, illustrations, activities, maps, references, and glossary, that make it easy to understand and apply the concepts and principles of biologia general.

  • It makes reference to different researches of recognized Mexican biologists and cites and illustrates various places and species of Mexico, highlighting the rich biological heritage and diversity of this country.

  • It fosters a scientific attitude and a critical thinking in its readers, encouraging them to observe, question, investigate, experiment, analyze, and communicate their findings about the natural world.

  • It promotes an appreciation and a respect for life in all its forms, as well as an awareness and a responsibility for the environmental problems that affect biodiversity and ecosystems, and the solutions for a sustainable development.

How to download biologia general pdf for free

If you are interested in reading biologia general pdf for free, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Go to Google Books website:

  • Type "biologia general marta cervantes y margarita hernandez pdf" in the search box.

  • Select the first result that appears: "Biología General - Marta Cervantes Ramírez, Margarita Hernández ..."

  • Click on the "Preview this book" button.

  • You will be able to see some pages of the book online.

  • To download the book in pdf format, click on the "Download" button at the top right corner.

  • You will be asked to sign in with your Google account or create one if you don't have one.

  • After signing in, you will be able to download the book in pdf format for free.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded biologia general pdf for free. Enjoy reading this amazing book!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions that people might have about biologia general:

Q: What is the difference between biologia general and biology?

A: Biologia general is the Spanish term for biology, which is the English term for the scientific study of life. They are essentially the same subject, but they might have some differences in terminology or content depending on the language or country where they are taught.

Q: Who are Marta Cervantes and Margarita Hernandez?

A: Marta Cervantes Ramírez and Margarita Hernández Hernández are two distinguished Mexican biologists and professors at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). They have extensive experience in teaching biologia general at various levels of education. They have also participated in several research projects and publications related to biologia general. They have written this book with the aim of providing a comprehensive and updated source of information on biologia general for students and teachers.

Q: How many chapters does biologia general have?

A: Biologia general has 25 chapters that are organized into five units that correspond to the main themes of biologia general: the nature of science, the unity of living beings, the continuity of life, evolution and biological diversity, and organisms and their environment.

Q: What are some examples of activities that can be found in biologia general?

A: Biologia general has many activities that invite the reader to apply or deepen their knowledge on a specific topic. Some examples are:

- Observe different types of cells under a microscope and identify their components. - Compare different modes of reproduction in plants and animals. - Construct a family tree based on your own genetic traits. - Simulate natural selection using beans or candies. - Classify different organisms using dichotomous keys. - Measure biodiversity using quadrats or transects. - Calculate ecological indicators such as population density or growth rate. - Analyze food webs or energy pyramids in different ecosystems. - Identify environmental problems or solutions in your community or country. - Design a sustainable project or product using renewable resources or recycled materials.

Q: How can I contact the authors of biologia general?

A: If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or feedback about biologia general, you can contact the authors by email at or You can also visit their website at where you can find more information about them and their book.


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